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STAR Assessment - Evaluation for Skills, FS, Dance and Artistic
Who can Assess?
Skaters are assessed by two groups of individuals:
• Coach assessors
• Evaluators
Coach assessors have two designations:
1. -- STAR 1 – 5 coach assessor (Freeskate Program Freeskate Elements, Dance, Skills, Artistic)
2. -- STAR 6 – Gold coach assessor for Skills only
STAR 1-5 is designed to provide assessment opportunities that occur on a regular training session during the regularly scheduled lessons for the skater. This removes barriers and encourages solid development that
aligns with the skater’s rate of progress versus scheduled assessment days. All STAR 1-5 assessments are assessed by a coach assessor.
Assessment Payment
The Skate Canada fee for the assessment is $12 per assessment. This fee must be paid PRIOR to the assessment and is sent to Skate Canada. All fees are payable to Skate Canada regardless of the result of the assessment (pass with honors, pass or retry).
Your coach will be checking to ensure payment is made prior to the session. If payment has not been made, the coach will not be able to perform the assessment that day and your skater will need to wait until the next assessment day is scheduled. Please do not pay your coach for the fee.
Payment for: Skate Canada Assessments (evaluator assessed)
Clubs are not permitted to charge a skater more than the official Skate Canada assessment fee as determined according to the rules for assessments. An exception is that an additional administrative charge may be levied where necessary to recover the actual expenses of conducting the assessment day, provided no profit is made in the process and provided the skater is advised of the estimated cost prior to the assessment day.
STAR 1 – Gold Assessment Structure
What is a Triple or Quad Gold Award?
The Alberta Figure Skating Foundation awards skaters who have achieved the triple/quad gold status. To learn more about this award go to